TWIN Jade Rings US4.7 Authentic Burmese Jadeite Jade 100% Natural Grade A Translucent Green TWIN Jade Rings US4.7 Authentic Burmese Jadeite Jade 100% Natural Grade A Translucent Green $153.00 Jade Band Ring US5.5 -  Genuine Burmese Jadeite Natural Grade A Rare Golden Honey Patch Translucent jade ring unisex jade band ring Jade Band Ring US5.5 - Genuine Burmese Jadeite Natural Grade A Rare Golden Honey Patch Translucent jade ring unisex jade band ring $590.00 US5.6 Natural jade band ring Authentic Untreated Jadeite Translucent White Soft Green Grey Dots Unisex Jade Band Ring US5.6 Natural jade band ring Authentic Untreated Jadeite Translucent White Soft Green Grey Dots Unisex Jade Band Ring $98.00 Jade Band Ring US4.7- Natural burmese jadeite translucent green Authentic Grade A hand made band ring abacus jade unisex ring Jade Band Ring US4.7- Natural burmese jadeite translucent green Authentic Grade A hand made band ring abacus jade unisex ring $196.00 Jade Ring US4.7 band ring - Authentic Burmese Jadeite Jade Ring for unisex Jade Ring US4.7 band ring - Authentic Burmese Jadeite Jade Ring for unisex $85.00 Jade Band Ring US1.75 -  Genuine Burmese Jadeite Natural Grade A Rare Golden Honey Patch Translucent jade ring unisex jade band ring Pendant Jade Band Ring US1.75 - Genuine Burmese Jadeite Natural Grade A Rare Golden Honey Patch Translucent jade ring unisex jade band ring Pendant $211.00 Jade Band Ring US5.25 - Authentic Burmese Jadeite Natural Grade A Translucent White and Green unisex jade band ring Jade Band Ring US5.25 - Authentic Burmese Jadeite Natural Grade A Translucent White and Green unisex jade band ring $98.00 Jade ring US5.25 Type A Burmese Jade Ring Abacus jade band Ring Authentic Translucent Black Chicken Variety Jade ring US5.25 Type A Burmese Jade Ring Abacus jade band Ring Authentic Translucent Black Chicken Variety $192.00 US5.4 MYANMAR Jadeite Band Ring - Natural burmese jadeite Translucent White Authentic Grade A hand made band ring unisex abacus jade ring US5.4 MYANMAR Jadeite Band Ring - Natural burmese jadeite Translucent White Authentic Grade A hand made band ring unisex abacus jade ring $499.00 US3.25  US7 Dual Jade Band Ring Set  Authentic Burmese Jadeite Natural Grade A Untreated Jadeite Translucent US3.25 US7 Dual Jade Band Ring Set Authentic Burmese Jadeite Natural Grade A Untreated Jadeite Translucent $268.00 US5.25 Jade Band Ring - Natural Myanmar jadeite Translucent Off White  Authentic Grade A hand made band ring US5.25 Jade Band Ring - Natural Myanmar jadeite Translucent Off White Authentic Grade A hand made band ring $120.00 US5.6 Unisex Jade Band Ring - Natural Burmese Jadeite Type A Translucent Faint  Green Jade Ring US5.6 Unisex Jade Band Ring - Natural Burmese Jadeite Type A Translucent Faint Green Jade Ring $468.00 Jade Ring US5.5 - Authentic Burmese Jadeite Natural Grade A Translucent White with Green unisex jade band ring Jade Ring US5.5 - Authentic Burmese Jadeite Natural Grade A Translucent White with Green unisex jade band ring $120.00 US7 Jade Band Ring Authentic Burmese Jadeite Natural Grade A Untreated Jadeite Translucent US7 Jade Band Ring Authentic Burmese Jadeite Natural Grade A Untreated Jadeite Translucent $120.00 Jadeite Ring US5.5 - Natural burmese jadeite translucent bluish green Authentic Jadeite Ring US5.5 - Natural burmese jadeite translucent bluish green Authentic $199.00 Lavender Jade Band Rings US2.7  Authentic Burmese Jadeite Jade 100% Natural Grade A Translucent Soft Yam Lavender Jade Band Rings US2.7 Authentic Burmese Jadeite Jade 100% Natural Grade A Translucent Soft Yam $80.00 Jade ring US5.8 Burmese Jadeite Grade A Rare Grey Green Abacus Ring or Jadeite Pendant Jade ring US5.8 Burmese Jadeite Grade A Rare Grey Green Abacus Ring or Jadeite Pendant $160.00 US4 Jade Ring Pendant Set  Natural Type A Burmese Jadeite Grade A Genuine US4 Jade Ring Pendant Set Natural Type A Burmese Jadeite Grade A Genuine $199.00 Faceted Jadeite Rings US4.1 Type A Myanmar jadeite abacus Band Ring Translucent Jelly with Floated Sesame Black Chicken Variety Faceted Jadeite Rings US4.1 Type A Myanmar jadeite abacus Band Ring Translucent Jelly with Floated Sesame Black Chicken Variety $110.00 Jade Ring US5.5 -  Genuine Burmese Jadeite Natural Grade A Rare Golden Honey Patch Translucent jade ring unisex jade band ring Yellow jade Jade Ring US5.5 - Genuine Burmese Jadeite Natural Grade A Rare Golden Honey Patch Translucent jade ring unisex jade band ring Yellow jade $330.00

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