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JADEITE Galleria
JADEITE Galleria
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Jadeite Charms/Cabochon
Other Burmese Gemstones
Jade Earrings
Jade Pendant (Carving)
Jade Pendant Gold/Silver
Bead/Chain Bracelet
Bead Necklace
Bangle 49~55+mm
Bangle 56~58+mm
Bangle 59mm & Above
Jade Ring (Gold)
Jade Ring (925 Silver)
Band Ring US 0 - 5.9
Band Ring US 6 - 6.9
Band Ring US 7 - 7.9
Band Ring US 8 - 8.9
Band Ring US 9 - 9.9
Band Ring US 10 -10.9
Band Ring US 11 & Above
All items
Jadeite Charms/Cabochon
Other Burmese Gemstones
Jade Earrings
Jade Pendant (Carving)
Jade Pendant Gold/Silver
Bead/Chain Bracelet
Bead Necklace
Bangle 49~55+mm
Bangle 56~58+mm
Bangle 59mm & Above
Jade Ring (Gold)
Jade Ring (925 Silver)
Band Ring US 0 - 5.9
Band Ring US 6 - 6.9
Band Ring US 7 - 7.9
Band Ring US 8 - 8.9
Band Ring US 9 - 9.9
Band Ring US 10 -10.9
Band Ring US 11 & Above
Jade Ring US8.75 Natural Type A Burmese Jadeite Ring Untreated Jade Rings Men’s Jade Ring Unisex Jade Band Rings
Solid Jade Ring US8.75 Natural Type A Burmese Jadeite Ring Untreated Jade Rings Men’s Jade Ring Unisex Jade Band Rings
Jade Ring US8.75 Natural Type A Burmese Jadeite Ring Untreated Jade Rings Men’s Jade Ring Unisex Jade Band Rings
Jade Ring US8.75 Natural Type A Burmese Jadeite Ring Untreated Jade Rings Men’s Jade Ring Unisex Jade Band Rings
Jade Ring US8.6 Natural Type A Burmese Jadeite Ring Untreated Jade Rings Men’s Jade Ring Unisex Jade Band Rings
US8.6 US9.1 Couple Jade Rings unisex band rings - Authentic Burmese Jadeite Jade 100% Natural Grade A Translucent Faint Green with Grey
US8 Myanmar Jade Ring Translucent Green Burmese Jadeite Abacus Ring Natural Jade Type A Authentic band ring
Jade Band Ring US8 - Natural burmese jadeite translucent green Authentic Grade A hand made band ring abacus jade unisex ring
Jadeite Ring US8.25 - Natural Burmese Grade A Jadeite Ring Natural Jade Band Ring
Jade Ring US8.5 Soft Lavender Authentic Burmese Jadeite Jade Natural Grade A Yam White jade band ring
Jade Ring US8.75 Genuine Burmese Jadeite Jade Natural Grade A Full Green Jade Band Ring
Jade Ring US7.8 Translucent Faint Greenish Clear - Natural Jadeite Type A Burmese Jade Grade A abacus ring
US8.25 Black Jade ring Type A Burmese Black Jade sparkle faceted band Ring Untreated Authentic Translucent Grade A ring
TWIN Jadeite Rings US10 & 9.7 Type A Myanmar jadeite abacus Band Ring Translucent Jelly with Floated Sesame Black Chicken Variety
US8 3/4- US8 1/2- US 5 Translucent Jadeite ring Type A Myanmar Jade Ring Green tea jade band rings Yellow Green Unisex jade rings
Jadeite Ring US 8 1/4 Translucent Leafy Green Natural Jadeite Type A Burmese Jade Grade A abacus ring Jade Band Ring
Jade Ring US 8.75 Translucent Greenish beach sand - Natural Jadeite Type A Burmese Jade Grade A abacus ring
Jade Band Ring US 8.3 - Natural Burmese Jadeite Type A (Grade A) Translucent Jade Band Ring Unisex Jade Ring
US8.5 Jade Ring Translucent Jadeite ring Type A Myanmar Jade Ring Green tea jade band ring Yellow Green Unisex jade ring Kiwi skin Jade Ring
Jade Ring US8.75 Genuine Burmese Jadeite Jade Grade A Translucent Green Natural Jade Band Ring
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